If you do a lot of business by mail, you know that shipping and packaging costs can be considerable. The more you can reduce these costs, the better your bottom line will be. Finding affordable mailing containers can substantially lower your expenses.
Get Supplies from the Post Office
If you're mailing your products through the U.S. postal service, you can often acquire free supplies directly from them. This is usually only for some types of mailing, such as priority mail. It should be noted that it's strictly forbidden to use these packaging supplies for different services. In other words, you cannot take a priority mail box and use it for a UPS package or a first class mail package.
Go Green With Recycled Containers
Recycled mailing containers are usually less expensive because they are reusing materials. A recycled container will usually be noticeable as such, which can make it beneficial for a company that supports green initiatives. Customers will be aware that the company is doing its best to reduce paper waste. Companies that truly believe in their recycling initiatives may also want to encourage their customers to further recycle the boxes when they're done.
Reuse Boxes from Other Products
When strapped for other options, reusing boxes from other products is possible -- but there are some very common mistakes when doing this. When reusing packaging, it's important to cover up old addresses completely. Ideally, the entire package should be wrapped in brown paper with packing tape.
Purchase in Bulk from Overseas
Most large businesses purchase their mailing containers in bulk from overseas. But there are some challenges to this. When purchasing in bulk, it's in your best interest to make sure that you order a single container size that can fit the majority of your products. You also need to order your products well in advance, as it may take one or two months to receive them. This requires that you be able to anticipate your needs effectively.
Negotiate With Your Vendors
If you're making substantial purchases of mailing containers, you may want to negotiate with your vendors. Wholesalers may be able to reduce your per unit costs directly if your business is consistent and valuable enough.
Running a successful business is often all about reducing expenses. By locating more affordable mailing containers, you can reduce the cost of nearly all your sales. From time to time, you may also want to periodically revisit your supply purchases to make sure you're still getting the best deal. Talk with supply companies like Chicago Mailing Tube Co. for more information and options.
I have owned my own small businesses for years, and I have always been happy to share my business tips with other entrepreneurs, especially those just starting out. One question I get asked about a lot is whether it is a better idea for a beginner to open an online business or a brick & mortar shop. While I wish I had a one-size-fits all answer, the truth is that it really depends on what you are selling (or what service you are providing), how the economy is doing in your local area, and your personal business goals and dreams. However, every brick & mortar business should have a website today, and it only makes sense to sell products on a website that your business needs anyway. I have many more business tips to share, and I decided to start a blog to share them with all aspiring entrepreneurs!